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fm am radio

So picture this : Yesterday, my nephew barged in with an old FM radio receiver beaming as if he had only just discovered fire. Why not build this as a walkie-talkie? he thinks. If it can detect messages, why not add a way to send them as well? I felt the urge to pat him on his head and tell him not to bring a pandora’s box of technical difficulties there now. Because, as you might imagine, the difference between walkie-talkies and FM/AM radios is about the same as that of a regular remote control car versus a Mars Rover.

Greetings from TalkieTrail. Welcome to tecblogger. This time around, we turn to the world of walkie-talkies and FM/AM radios to discuss why your nephew’s science project might not be quite so simple after all. Spoiler alert: It’s going to take more than just duct tape and some hope. And, well this being our Ham Radio site; let’s dive into these differences shall we?

The Walkie-Talkie: Your Portable Partner in Crime… I Mean, Communication

So starting with the walkie -talkies, this wonder talk is able to save lives during perilous adventures, keep a construction site in check or just aid family road trips for those who own them(only as long as they are put away from small kids). A walkie-talkie, additionally alluded to as a two-way radio — is an adaptable communication device utilized for a wide scope of emergency and specialized reasons. It is a full-duplex bidirectional, meaning it can both send and receive signals.

Key Features of Walkie-Talkies:

Interaction, not a monologue: Communication is two way; you talk and listen (pump the brakes straight away if all of your comms are one sided) This real time communication means that when voice activated it’s far easier to get insight on an existing situation.

Push to Talk (PTT) Button: It’s essentially your “speak now or forever hold your peace” moment. Press to talk, release to listen.

Portables: Often, the bad guys develop and deploy these as portable kits designed for ease of portability whether going on that mountain hike or running security at a concert.

Range: Some of them can go only a few kilometers while others between 10-15 miles with high end equipment.

Frequency Bands: They are active on VHF (Very High Frequency) and UHF bands, such that you can convey your message even in difficult conditions.

Durability: Most are waterproof and rugged, as in “apocalypse-proof” or at least capable of surviving a solid thunderstorm.

Messaging Channels: You can switch between multiple messaging to keep your conversations private and easy from distractions.

Walkie-talkies are used in several industries like city construction places, hiking standing and even security. And they need to be able to communicate in real time, sending and receiving messages — it is how the group works together and stays safe.

In case you are not familiar with the terms “ham radio” or “walkie-talkie”, click here to find out what a walkie-talkie is.

What do you want to know about two-way Radio communication? Click here to learn more.

FM/AM Radios: The Original Airwave Entertainment

Now for FM/AM radios, your usual companion of the truck driver type, as well as every do-it-yourselfer and person who enjoys their music with a bit more static injected into it. The only function these devices are intended to do is receiving broadcast signals. These are used to stay up-to-date with your favorite music, the latest news or that talk show host who has an opinion on everything.

Key Features of FM/AM Radios:

Information Traveling Over The Broadcast: Broadcasts sent by FM/AM radios are designed for reception. These are the apt passive listeners. AM radio has a long range, so you can get transmissions from all over depending on your location.

Plenty of Content: Anything you want is here (news, music ♫, sports 🏀‍).

Station Tuning: They can listen to the stations until they find something that will prevent them from tearing out their own hair.

Power Options: Many of these radios have rechargeable option. Also various options like solar powered, battery power or hand crank radiation generating capacity.

Sound Quality: FM radios can offer better sound than AM. But FM and AM offer better sound quality than walkie-talkie (specially VHF and HF). which, let’s face it, always sounds like a robot underwater.

For decades FM and AM radio have been the cornerstone of entertainment as well as news industries. For when you want to listen but don’t really need anyone else listening in; late into the night long-distance, or local morning show alike these radios are second to none.

Why Walkie-Talkies Trump FM/AM Radios?

Actually, it is probably not a good weekend project for your son to convert his FM radio so that he can use it as the local high-tech walkie-talkie with nephew. The big difference is communication competence. Let us break it down.

Communication Type:

Walkie-Talkie: Used where two-way communication is needed, making it great for conversational settings. Walkie talkies are good for interactive communication, whether you decide to plan an event or even if it is in an emergency.

FM/AM Radio: Go ahead and listen on the one way communication devices, but don’t try to talk back with the DJ. FM or AM radios are unable to broadcast information, which means that they cannot be used as a tool in an emergency response scenario.

The divergence here is in not just how they work, but their core idea. FM and AM radio is for listening, Walkie Talkies are to talk two ways.


Walkie-Talkie: Great for continuous communication whenever you like from anywhere, whether you are in a construction site or an emergency situation or even when trying to find your buddies at the concert.

FM/AM Radio: Ideal for casual listening, entertaining you as well as informing you without the requirement to react. It is a different color of the same tape: as unobtrusive as background music at a party.

Go conduct an AM/FM radio search and rescue. It would be hard. Walkie-talkies, however are designed with this use in mind.


Walkie-Talkies: Use HF, VHF and UHF frequencies to communicate. Can have PTT (Push-to-talk) buttons with regional channels where the user signs in then selects a channel to first place an initial call as a means of opening up or talking.

FM/AM radio: It uses both frequency modulation (FM) and amplitude regression transmission(AM) to play your favorite stations into your ears. While great for broadcasting these technologies do not deliver an ability to transmit data back.

From the ham-radio perspective analysis, it is clear that while FM/AM radios are great for reception (either listen only or talk as long as everyone else listens!). Walkie-talkies however need their two-way calling functionality!

Range and Coverage:

Walkie-Talkie: Good in short to medium distance, but the range can be surprising with proper equipment. In ideal conditions some can go up to 15 miles+ with a path that requires no RF repeaters or Base Stations.

FM/AM Radio: Receives signals from faraway stations, strong dominance of AM radio due to its long-range signal. An AM radio can receive signals hundreds of miles distant, but walkie-talkies are handhelds for short-range communication.

FM/AM radios perform well in long-distance reception but fall short in localized, two-way conversation. On the other hand, walkie-talkies and ham radio are excellent for short-range, direct talks between people.

Click here to find out how far a walkie-talkie can communicate.

Interactiveness (Walkie-Talkies vs FM/AM radios)

Well, to those needing some drive — walkie-talkies are the way to go.

The Communication Element How and why Illuminate Engagement

Walkie-Talkie: This feels very interactive, like the OG group chat. You can have a conversation back and forth with minimal effort.

FM/AM Radio: More interactive than yelling at your television, in a way (perhaps it’s more satisfying), but no one will actually listen to what you have to say. You get to choose which channel to listen to but nope, interaction is done here.

This is quite important in situations where immediate or close to real-time communication may be needed. One great way of exchanging information quickly is with a walkie-talkie.

Design and Performance : Which One is Easier to Carry?

Each of the gadgets has pros and cons for mobility and power.

Walkie-Talkie: Handheld and battery-powered so good for out on location Due to their small size and robustly-built design, these are great for outdoor use as well as professional applications. Several models also feature battery-saving functions to ensure they will last all day.

FM/AM Radio: Both portable, fixed & powered by any among batteries and solar energy. The catch is that they aren’t as rugged, and because you sometimes seem to lose one side of your earbuds in space somewhere immediately after pulling them out for a music session.

To be honest, FM / AM radio is portable but not as durable and has no additional functions like walkie-talkies.

User Base: Who Uses What?

Walkie-Talkie: For working professionals, hikers and others requiring constant access to friends or colleagues via real-time communication. As such, walkie-talkies are a must-have for anyone who needs to keep in touch with another person – from construction workers or emergency responders all the way through to camping enthusiasts.

FM/AM Radio: A staple, useful for all those who enjoy a bit of white noise. Whether you are listening to the morning news or just want to hear some vintage melodies while cooking in your garage, FM/AM radios have become a preferred source of entertainment for all.

Whereas FM/AM radios are something commonly used in everyday life, walkie-talkies do have a bit more of a niche user base.

Final Thought

Well, can you convert a regular FM radio into an operational walkie talkie or should I say personal handheld? Even in theory, that would be possible but making a spacecraft out of LEGO bricks is probably more realistic. The differences between walkie-talkies and standard FM/AM radio extend more than just cables or switches. Walkie talkies were made for communicating over two-ways and ultimately have everything you need to stay in touch all the time. FM/AM radios, in contrast, allow you to hear the noise of everyplace but not talk back.

Lastly, leave each gadget to do its intended function. Even if your nephew is still set on that one project, you might propose something a tad more practical (say building a birdhouse instead). Keep on visiting for additional communication technology tips and strategies, along with a little humor. Continue to talk and listen. Just, maybe not with an identical device!

Visit our Analyst Hub for a variety of tips and tricks on ham radio. For radio troubleshooting, don’t forget to check out the Fix Doctor zone. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact us.