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fm am radio

So, imagine this: Yesterday, my nephew sauntered in, all pleased with himself, clutching an old FM radio receiver as if he had just found fire. “Why not make this into a walkie-talkie?” he thinks. Why not just include a means of sending messages because it can already detect them?” I had to fight the want to give him a pat on the head and warn him against unleashing a Pandora’s box of technical problems at that very time. Because, as you might expect, the gap between walkie-talkies and FM/AM radios is comparable to the difference between a typical remote control car and a Mars Rover.

Greetings from, your one-stop shop for anything related to communication technologies, walkie-talkies, and ham radio! Today, we’ll delve into the realm of walkie-talkies and FM/AM radios to see why your nephew’s DIY project may not be as straightforward as it appears. Spoiler alert: It requires far more than just duct tape and wishful thinking. And, because we like a good ham radio review here, let’s go into these distinctions.

The Walkie-Talkie: Your Portable Partner in Crime… I Mean, Communication

Let’s begin with our trusty walkie-talkie, the device that has saved many lives, kept construction sites running smoothly, and made family road trips marginally more tolerable (as long as it is kept away from the youngsters). A two-way radio, popularly known as a walkie-talkie, is a multipurpose, adaptable communication tool. It can send and receive signals, making it a one-stop shop for bidirectional communication.

Key Features of Walkie-Talkies:

  • Two-Way Communication: This is not a one-sided interaction; walkie-talkies allow you to talk and listen, making them ideal for real-time communications.
  • Button for Push-to-Talk (PTT): It’s similar to your “speak now or hold your peace forever” moment. To talk, press, to listen, to release.
  • Portability: These bad guys are often portable and built for simple portability, whether you’re trekking up a mountain or handling security at a concert.
  • Range: Depending on the type and terrain, they may travel a few kilometers or even 10-15 miles if you have high-end equipment.
  • Frequency Bands: They work on VHF (Very High Frequency) and UHF (Ultra High Frequency) bands, so you can get your message out even in challenging situations.
  • Durability: Most of these gadgets are frequently water-resistant and durable, designed to withstand the apocalypse—or, at the very least, a severe thunderstorm.
  • Channels: You may move between numerous channels to keep your chats private and free of disturbance.

Walkie-talkies are utilized in a variety of applications, including construction sites, hiking expeditions, and security operations. Their capacity to send and receive messages in real time makes them crucial for group cooperation and safety.

If you’re new to the terms ‘ham radio’ or ‘walkie-talkie,’ check here to learn exactly what a walkie-talkie is.

Looking to better understand how two-way radio communication works? Click here to learn more.

FM/AM Radios: The OGs of Airwave Entertainment

Let us now discuss FM/AM radios, the trusty companions of truck drivers, do-it-yourselfers, and music lovers who enjoy their tunes with a hint of static. These gadgets are designed to do one thing only: receive broadcast signals. They’re perfect for keeping up with your favorite music, the most recent events, or that talk show host who always seems to have an opinion on something.

Key Features of FM/AM Radios:

  • Broadcast Reception: Radio station transmissions are intended to be received by FM/AM radios. They are the perfect passive listeners.
  • Wide RangeYou can get transmissions from close or far-off stations depending on your location, especially with AM radio, which has a rather long range.
  • Varied ContentEverything is available, including news, music, sports, debate shows, and sports.
  • Station TuningYou are free to go back and forth between the stations until you find anything that stops you from wanting to pull out your hair.
  • Power OptionsNumerous power sources, such as solar energy and batteries, are included with these radios.
  • Sound Quality: FM radios often produce higher-quality sound than AM radios, which can sound like a robot underwater.

For many years, FM and AM radios have served as the mainstay of the entertainment and information industries. These radios are the best for passive listening, whether you’re listening in late at night to distant stations or your local morning show.

Why Walkie-Talkies Trump FM/AM Radios in Communication

It might not be the best weekend project for your nephew to turn his FM radio into a walkie-talkie, to tell the truth. The key distinction is communication competence. Let us break it down.

Communication Type:

  • Walkie-Talkie: These are designed for two-way communication, making them suitable for scenarios requiring back-and-forth conversations. Whether planning an event or in an emergency, walkie-talkies are designed for interactive communication.
  • FM/AM Radio: You are free to listen on these one-way communication devices, but please refrain from attempting to converse with the DJ. FM/AM radios cannot communicate anything, making them unsuitable for situations demanding immediate response or engagement.

Here, the divergence lies not just in how the devices work but also in their fundamental idea. Walkie-talkies are designed for two-way communication, whereas FM/AM radios are designed for listening.


  • Walkie-Talkie: Perfect for direct communication, whether you’re on a job site, in an emergency, or simply looking for your buddies at a busy event.
  • FM/AM Radio: Perfect for passive listening, keeping you amused and informed without the need to reply. Like background music at a party, it’s pleasant not engaging.

Try organizing a search and rescue mission using just FM radios. You would have a lot of difficulties. Walkie-talkies, on the other hand, are made with these types of scenarios in mind.


  • Walkie-Talkie: Operates on VHF and UHF frequencies and has capabilities such as PTT (Push-to-Talk) and various channels, allowing users to select the optimal frequency for conversation.
  • FM/AM Radio: It employs amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) to send your favorite stations to your ears. These technologies are fantastic for broadcasting, but they do not allow you to transmit data back.

This ham radio analysis makes it obvious that, while FM/AM radios excel at receiving, walkie-talkies thrive on two-way communication.

Range and Coverage:

  • Walkie-Talkie: Works across short to medium distances, however the range may be astonishing with the correct equipment. Some variants can go up to 15 miles in perfect conditions, and even further with repeaters or base stations.
  • FM/AM Radio: Capable of receiving signals from far stations, particularly AM radio, which is renowned for its long-range capabilities. AM radios can receive transmissions from hundreds of miles away, but walkie-talkies are meant for close-range communication.

FM/AM radios perform well in long-distance reception but fall short in localized, two-way conversation. On the other hand, walkie-talkies and ham radio are excellent for short-range, direct talks between people.

Click here to find out how far a walkie-talkie can communicate.

The Interactivity Factor: Walkie-Talkies vs. FM/AM Radios

If you want a stimulating experience, walkie-talkies are the logical choice.

The Engagement Aspect: How Enhances Communication

  • Walkie-Talkie: It’s really interactive—think of it like the first group chat. You can hold back-and-forth chats with ease.
  • FM/AM Radio: About as participatory as shouting at your TV—satisfying, maybe, but no one will hear you. The interactivity ends with your ability to pick which channel to listen to.

This distinction is critical in contexts where rapid, real-time communication is required. A walkie-talkie is an excellent tool for quickly conveying information.

Portability and Power: Which One’s More Handy?

In terms of mobility and power, each gadget has advantages and disadvantages.

  • Walkie-Talkie: Portable and often powered by rechargeable batteries, perfect for field use. Their compact size and sturdy construction make them perfect for outdoor activities and professional applications. In addition, several models include battery-saving capabilities to guarantee they last the whole day.
  • FM/AM Radio: Portable or fixed, with a variety of power sources, including batteries and solar energy. However, they are not as durable as other walkie-talkies, and losing one may stop your music session.

While FM/AM radios are portable, they lack the durability and versatility of walkie-talkies.

User Base: Who Uses What?

  • Walkie-Talkie: Professionals, explorers, and anybody else who need dependable, real-time communication choose this option. Walkie-talkies are vital tools for individuals who need to keep connected, whether they are construction workers, emergency responders, or camping aficionados.
  • FM/AM Radio: A popular tool, ideal for anyone who loves some background noise. FM/AM radios are the go-to for entertainment, whether you’re listening to the morning news or jamming out to vintage melodies in the garage.

Walkie-talkies have a more specialized user base, whereas FM/AM radios are widely used in everyday life.

Final Thought

So, is it possible to turn your FM radio into a walkie-talkie, or is it better to say, a handheld radio device? Although it would be feasible in theory, it would be more realistic to try building a spacecraft out of LEGO bricks. Walkie-talkies and FM/AM radios vary in more ways than just cables and switches. Walkie-talkies are designed for two-way communication and come equipped with all the bells and whistles to keep you connected at all times. FM/AM radios, on the other hand, are ideal for listening to the world’s noise, but they will not allow you to add to it.

Finally, let each gadget do its job. If your nephew is still intent on that project, suggest something more achievable, such as making a birdhouse. Continue to visit for more communication technology ideas, techniques, and a little bit of fun. Keep chatting and listening—just maybe not with the same device!

Visit our Analyst Hub for a variety of tips and tricks on ham radio. For radio troubleshooting, don’t forget to check out the Fix Doctor zone. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact us.