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Think about this: You are back at your workstation and are excited to use your trusty BTECH walkie talkie for some on-the-go talk. It does feel less like a communication gadget, and more like a freshly baked bagel when you pick it up though. Your ham radio should not be happy with hot temperatures. So, please understand that a warm walkie-talkie is not just unpleasant for me but also in literal desperate need of help. As a ham radio review nut who has handled more devices than I care to admit at this point.

But take comfort — you are not alone in this. It is no secret to any of us that the so-called overheating consumes more than a radio lover, but we have already told you why your gadget becomes a pocket inferno. In some cases this might not apply, because most of the walkie-talkies models possess ways to maintain their composure and coolness.

Overheating Problems : Reasons and Solutions

1. Blocked Ventilation: Walkie-Talkie Strangulation

Just like humans need to breathe, walkie-talkies need to have breathing room! Built-in ventilation passages which make rapid heat escape are found in almost all walkie-talkies. In case these vents get blocked, your device can breathe less and hence it would have a difficult time getting cool air in along with excess heat going out, which may lead to overheating. This is most likely, of course, if your walkie-talkie has seen a few days in the field and roadside along with dirt and dust than perhaps an occasional cookie crumb.


Just check your walkie real fast. Clean and keep the small vents away from dirt. Sometimes just a quick little blast of air pressure is all that is needed. You keep those “lungs” clear when you prevent your device from breathing in overheating problems that may come back later on. And maintenance will also be necessary, as any ham radio review can tell you.

2. The Wrong Charger: A Poor Cross of Ham Radio

Did you ever attempt to use a charger not made especially for your device? True, it will work and might even suit — for a while. Although you can bring this walkie talkie-killer with you unknowingly if you use the wrong charger. Chargers that provide more or less power may lead to the battery warming, and in extreme cases, even frying the internal circuits of your beloved gadget. You feed your walkie-talkie fast food instead of the balanced diet it needs.


Ensure your walkie-talkie model when choosing the charging device. While that generic charger may have been cheap and cheerful, if it does not meet your device’s voltage needs, you could well be in for more than just some overheating — consider fatal damage as well as a demoralizing trip to the electronics graveyard.

3. The Rogue Battery: A Review of Power Issues

Batteries are not immortal. Even the literal battery in your walkie-talkie runs out. Unlike the breaker box in your home, you can’t just throw any old battery in there and call it good. Every model is different, and using a battery not designed for that specific device would undoubtedly cause overheating. As it happens, the resistance experienced by fitspo Tatum just about sums up how frustrating — and mostly futile — trying to force a very short square peg into an infinitesimally small round hole is.


Make sure you have the right kind of battery for your device before you install it. Specification Comparison Between The New And Old Batteries If it does not and you even find that the specs of the replacement battery are close to a match, send it back. But first check the battery voltage with a multimeter if you are unsure. It might be a bit much for some, but trust me when I say anything you put in now will pay off tenfold with the heat this holds. Depending on how well your walkie-talkie sucks the battery, you can potentially save some coin by just not buying a new battery pack. If you do, then shop for a fresh one. If you want to read about battery draining problems see my another article posted here.

4. The Silent Saboteur, the Damaged Power Cord

The power cables, those unsung heroes of our electronics silently doing their stuff until something is broken. It may seem like that a frayed or broken power line is not such a big deal, however this may affect the charging of your walkie-talkie. That is unavoidable, but it makes the batteries easily heat up when power is not evenly distributed.


Look for frayed wires or opened interiors of cables that are not to be ignored. In case that the power cable is getting aged and it is beginning to demonstrate some degradation, just change right away. It is a minor cost that could avoid an overheating walkie-talkie and serious damage to it.

5. Environmental Concerns: Check Weather Report

Mother Nature is sometimes the issue, not your walkie talkie. As you know, extreme weather can weaken the battery of walkie talkies. Walkie-talkies typically use lithium-ion batteries that do not like hot temperatures. These batteries present an ideal working temperature of 15°C to 35°. After that, it is up to your battery and it’s cell chemistry. Anything outside of this range will make your battery explode into fireballs faster than you can say something.


If it is too hot outside, maybe you should charge your walkie talkie indoors which has been well ventilated. Keep the device out of anywhere it can get direct sunlight or left in a hot car. Think of your walkie-talkie as a companion, it does not want to overheat on you either.

6. Issues With Almost All Programming Problems

We all love to play with our gadgets, and especially so when it comes to programming your walkie-talkies. On the other hand, tinkering with settings your gadget wasn’t designed to use could lead it to overheat. Of course, maybe you are overdoing the suggested power levels, pushing the device to operate at frequencies that make it sweat under pressure. Either way, mistakes in programming are one of the most discreet forms of overheating.


If you need to reprogram your walkie-talkie, make sure to follow the instructions of the manufacturer. Do not use high levels of power or non-standard frequencies. Of course driving flat out is cool, but your walkie-talkie will appreciate the slower pace.

7. Continuous Use: Needs a Breather

On the flipside, it can be easy to get swept up in the excitement of regular communication again, especially if you are off on an adventure or working on some fascinating project. But continuous use can also make your walkie-talkie heat up. Picture running a marathon with no break, even the pros will eventually overheat.

Walkie-talkies are made for intermittent use, so brief periods of communication work best with a pause in between. Keeping a transmitter on the air is hard work, especially when asked to operate at high power 100% of the time; it builds up excess heat. The more communication equipment has been used, the hotter they become.


Sober up your walkie talkie. Just give it some time to cool off after a long chat before you use it again. The walkie-talkies built today limit the amount of time they can communicate in a given period with a duty cycle. Next time you do this, your gadget will thank you by staying cooler a bit longer.

8. Low rate parts: When Low-Cost Leads to Expense

From there we have some devices that will be fine for a while, but the heat will provoke itself due to a weak cooler. More inexpensive walkie-talkies may use inferior components, which are also less capable of dissipating heat. So, although they may work all fine and well for a certain amount of time, as the more inferior parts are used over and over again it can cause them to overheat.


Invest in quality. It is true that it may be alluring to run with the least expensive alternative — particularly in case you are new to walkie-talkies. However spending more on an acclaimed mark would respite and space experimentation. Higher-end parts are all built to work with that in mind, particularly temperature control.

9. Invisible Nature of Software Glitches

Nowadays, even a walkie-talkie needs some consideration. A lot of the operations of modern day radios are controlled by software, including power output and how the frequency changes. However, as with any other program, bugs can emerge. Overheating — If while in use, the software of your walkie-talkie makes it work inefficiently, then it is at this risk.

This can occur when a program gets trapped in an infinite loop, or if an update was installed incorrectly. When a software freezes, your walkie-talkie heats up as well as it has its own cooling fan only keeping your normal rate high as opposed to bringing you back in case of downscaling.


Update your software regularly. In some cases, manufacturer companies push new firmware versions to fix different bugs, overheating problems, and improve performance. Verify to make sure you are on the latest firmware of your walkie-talkie, if a bug is suspected either just do a reset or flash our firmware and see if that solves the issue.

Conclusion: Keeping Cool with Walkie-Talkie

overheating is more than just annoying; it tells you something is not right. The reasons for overheating include blocked vents, using an alien charger, a mismatch in the battery/power supply being used, damaged wires aboard from exposure to heat and other temporal events like nature can still take place or can even be due to prolonged usage or improper coding. Prevention of OverheatingFortunately, with proper attention and care most overheating issues can be avoided. A maintained walkie talkie is simply more reliable, and has your back when you need it the most.

This is why you have gotten back into your car walkie-talkie and its so hot you can fry eggs, next time do not worry. Go through these steps and with a little troubleshooting, you will have it cooled down the road again. Just remember, your little guy is supposed to keep you connected; making it ice cold outside and in, so there you have it.

Learn more about troubleshooting in ham radio review. Check our Fix Doctor zone.